Hello CCP Family,
We are settling into our preschool routines! The children are becoming comfortable and confident with their friends and teachers. Everyone appears to know they are safe and loved here at CCP. We are surely on the way to becoming a school family, a process that can take about 4 to 6 weeks.
Thanks for joining Melissa and me for coffee & cider yesterday and today. It’s fun to see you all visiting and getting to know each other.
Please remember to link your Harris Teeter VIC card to our school number 3558. You can do this on the website or at the store. It only takes a brief minute and it supports the preschool without affecting your wallet!
We welcome parents to substitute when a teacher is absent. You can earn a small check or you can “donate” your time to CCP. This helps us in the classroom and on our budget for the year! Just contact Debbie with your phone number to be added to the sub list. We will not leave you alone in a class - You will always work with another teacher.
Please remember your October tuition is due on Oct. 1. Please send or bring your payment early next week.
We practiced our mini fire drill with the MW classes, but the whole school fire drill ws scheduled for Tuesday (during the deluge) so we postponed it until next week.
Safekeepers (teachers) - We have a staff meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 12:30.
Fall photos are scheduled with photographer David Gellatly outside under the bell tower. Please mark your calendar now. Here’s the schedule:
Tues, Oct. 15 - Whales, TTH Ladybugs, TTH Frogs
Wed, Oct. 16 - Ducks, MWF Ladybugs, MW Frogs
Sat, Oct. 19 - Optional Family Photos. Click here to sign up.
A Conscious Discipline moment - TWO POSITIVE CHOICES - “Giving two positive choice allows your child to comply with your wishes while also giving him the “last word.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 101) Think what you want your child TO DO and then give 2 choices that can get that result. For example, you want your child to eat a green vegetable at dinner. You could say, “You may choose broccoli or green beans. Which sounds better to you?” Your child gets a vegetable AND feels empowered at the same time!
I hope you have a fabulous, safe weekend and I wish you well,