Happy New Year (1/9/25) & the Top 4 Things about the Brain

Dear CCP Family,

        Happy new year!  I hope 2025 brings us all health, kindness, and peace! I also wish you the gift of simplicity in the new year. Keeping things simple reduces stress and increases gratitude.

THANK YOU - Once again, I just want to express my sincere appreciation for the love and kindness you showed me at Christmas and New Year’s this year! Your generous and thoughtful cards and gifts touched my heart. I am grateful for your gifts, but most grateful for each one of you!! Thank you for your part in making our CCP family such a safe, warm and loving community.

        TUITION - Please remember that January tuition is due.  We extended the deadline to today, Thurs, Jan. 9.  Melissa is very generous with that deadline, so please pay on time so she doesn’t have to send reminders. If you slipped up and forgot, you can pop by tomorrow and bring a check. Thank you.

        REGISTRATION - This month is time to register for the 2025-26 school year!  You can find the application on our website and I sent one by email.  Every currently-enrolled child is guaranteed a place for next year, but we can't guarantee that it will be in your first choice class. We will do our best!  Currently enrolled applications are due by Friday, Jan 17 so we can secure a spot for you.  You are my best “advertisers”, so please invite your friends to apply to CCP also!  New families have until Jan. 31 to apply.

LADYBUG REGISTRATION - Ladybugs, when you are in the hallway, I know all you can see is our Whale class for 4’s, which is fabulous. Please remember that we have a fabulous Duck class for 4’s, too. It’s just tucked around the corner near the preschool office. Please feel free to pop by and visit Ms Shelly and Ms Carina and see the Duck space. I want to be sure you know we have two 4-year-old options.

PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE - We have a meeting on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025 at 9:15 in Ascension Hall.

        INCLEMENT WEATHER - Thanks for your patience with the delay on Tuesday. January is a good time to review our inclement weather policy from your parent handbook:

If Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools close due to the weather, then Christ Church Preschool will also close.  If Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools delay their starting time by one or two hours, then Christ Church Preschool will open for students at 10:00 a.mIf CHCCS delay by 3 hours, then CCP will close.  (Note that we follow Chapel Hill schools - not Chatham and not Orange Co) When in doubt, please check your email for an announcement or call the preschool number (919-969-1690) for a recorded message.  The preschool will not make up or refund tuition for days missed due to inclement weather.  (I usually try to have the announcement about closures sent to your email by 7:00am.)

         CLOTHING - Please make sure your child has warm outerwear during the winter months.  The children almost always go outside in the fresh air even on very cold days. Even if your child does not wear a coat in the car, please bring a coat to place in the cubbie for outdoor time. It is helpful to label the loose pieces (hats, gloves, etc) with your child's name.  (The Frog class requests that you send mittens instead of gloves.)  Also, please be sure that your change of clothing in the cubbie is appropriate for the weather.

AN INVITATION TO PARENT DISCUSSION - Check your email for an invitation to our Parent Group on Jan. 23 at 9:30am. It was such a success that we want to gather again!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Finally, here are the top 4 things to know about the brain from Dr. Becky Bailey:

  • The brain is pattern-seeking (Consistent routines are helpful.)

  • The best exercise for the brain is exercise. (Run, jump, & play!)

  • Connections on the outside build neural connections on the inside (Connect with your child through touch, presence, & eye contact in playful situations.)

  • The brain functions optimally when we feel physically and psychologically safe (This is when learning takes place!)

  I wish you well,     
