Class Placements & Conscious Discipline (Jan. 30, 2025 post)

Dear CCP Families,

Thanks for your help to make our Pancakes and PJ’s Days such a success! Sorry I ended up sick and missing all the fun. I tested positive for Covid Wednesday evening, so I will not be at preschool on Friday either. I don’t think you need to worry about your children being exposed, as I was only briefly in the classrooms on Tuesday and I had no contact with kids on Wednesday.

ALWAYS LEARNING - Preschool is so much fun, yet very educational! As I walked through classrooms on Tuesday, the Blue Whales taught me about “The Boo-boos that Changed the World!” Then the Yellow Ducks taught me about “super absorbent polymers!” Ask your child to teach you as well. And you thought they were just playing! ;-)

SUMMER CAMP - Some of you have asked about summer camp. We plan to have camp June 3-6 for Ladybugs, Ducks, and Whales that would like to come. (Frogs, sorry you will have to wait until next summer.) I will have more information for you approx. mid-February!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE - Many of you have said how much you appreciate the Conscious Discipline tidbits I share with you. I’m so glad! I can honestly say that Conscious Discipline has made a tremendous difference in my life. It began as a way I interacted with children, but it has become much more! I have now internalized the strategies and the language of C. D. I use these skills professionally, but also personally in my life. Remember, “Your approach to discipline demonstrates conflict resolution for your children, and it teaches them how to get their needs met for the rest of their lives.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 7) For more information, please go to and look at the free resources section. It’s never too late to learn!

FEB. TUITION - Please remember that your February tuition is due on Feb. 1, but must be here by Feb. 5 at 9:00am to avoid a late fee. Thanks for paying your tuition on time.

CLASS PLACEMENT - Thank you for turning in your 25-26 applications. We will send an email by Feb. 5 with your class placements. We will do our best to give you your first choices, but in some cases (probably 3’s) we may have to place your child in your second choice. We will try to move them to your first choice class as things shift around. Your 25-26 supply/equipment fees will be due by Feb. 14 ($225 for 2’s & 3’s; $250 for 4’s) Encourage friends and neighbors to hurry and register by tomorrow, January 31!

FAMILY VALENTINE DANCE - Feb. 7 - 6:00-7:30p - You don’t want to miss this FAVORITE event! Put on your dancing shoes and show us your moves! Come for dancing, fellowship, the photo booth, snacks, and FUN!

HOW TO PIVOT - Dr. Becky Bailey tells us, “When you are upset, pivot. Say to yourself, ‘If I’m upset, I’m focusing on what I don’t want. Do I want more of this in my life?’ If the answer is no, breathe deeply. Then tell your child what TO DO and why.” (The “why” should use safety language as much as possible.)  Remember to focus on what you want!

Thanks for all the well wishes you have sent my way and I wish you well, too!
