CCP Welcome November! (Oct. 31, 2024)

Dear CCP Families,

Happy Halloween and Welcome November! Well, most of the kids enjoyed parading around in their Halloween costumes. ;-) It was a bit confusing for the 2’s, because it’s hard to say goodbye to your parent twice in one morning! Thank you for your support with that.

CCP Staff as their favorite book characters.

“BOOK CLUB” - We had a fantastic group of parents gather on Tuesday to discuss some of the issues highlighted in The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt. There was an enthusiastic discussion and lots of support for each other. We were fortunate to have parents from CCP and a few other preschools join us. We hope to gather again in January. I hope you can join us then!

Our first book club!

TUITION - is due on November 1 and considered late after Nov. 5. Thanks for paying your fees on time.

SCHOOL SPIRIT - On Wednesday/Thursday, Nov. 6/7, we will celebrate “SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS” at Christ Church Preschool! You can wear your CCP shirts or wear your class color - YELLOW Ducks, BLUE Whales, RED Ladybugs, GREEN Frogs. WE LOVE CCP!! (A special thanks to Carolyn Ziemer for organizing our shirt sales this year!!) We will have another spirit day in the spring, too. (Of course, you can wear your CCP apparel anytime!)

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #1 - COMPOSURE - Let’s remember that, as adults, it is our job to be sure we are calm and composed before we approach our child to discipline (teach) them. The best way to do this is to take 3 deep belly breaths (we tend to hold our breath when we are stressed) and affirm to yourself, “I am breathing. I am safe. I can handle this.” Then think, “What do I want my child TO DO?’ Then calmly tell your child, in a positive and assertive voice, what you want them to do. Stay focused on what TO DO. This method will avoid all the negatives, like “don’t” & “stop,” and you will find your child is often more cooperative.

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #2 -  Becky Bailey tells us, "Discipline and punishment are two different things.  Discipline, based in love, is consistent and focuses on cooperation.  Discipline sets expectations and helps find solutions to problems.  Punishment is based on fear and focuses on intimidation, threats or bribes."  To learn more, you may visit Dr. Bailey has a book, written especially for parents, that you can order called, “Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline.”

I wish you well,
