Lunch Bunch Begins!

Hello Yellow Duck Families,

Our first week of Lunch Bunch went very well! Everyone was able to distinguish their snack from their lunch easily. Thank you for your help with that. We’re hearing sweet conversations and new questions around the tables in our room each day we eat together. Never before have we seen such excitement about eating lunch!

Our collaborative art piece will be finished next week and will hang on our bulletin board above our writing table. It’s called “Layers of Leaves”. The children all painted a leaf a shade of blue and then pressed it onto blue poster board. Some children painted one leaf and others did several, and almost everyone had to wash the blue off of their hands. We also had a discussion about how leaves in nature are not blue, but in our imaginations they can be any color!

Carefully painting a leaf

Blue hands!


We traced our shoes this week and used squares of paper for measuring them. Each child glued the squares from the top of the shoe to the bottom. Then they counted up the squares and wrote the number on them. They are displayed proudly on our bulletin board by our book shelf!

Math is so much fun!


We would like to invite your child to bring in any science specimens they might find out in their corner of the world. Instead of a traditional show and tell, we prefer to do it this way. Everybody gets to play this way because most science is accessible and FREE! We learn about nature and your child gets a chance to share about what they brought. Last year, we had so much excitement about dead frogs, snake skins, butterflies, rocks, sticks, shells, flowers, and leaves, to name a few. We have a microscope for the tiny specimens if needed, and ways to creatively display some of the rare ones.

Some science that crawled into our room!

Hello Mr. Caterpillar!


This year we will have many ways in which we will learn about the alphabet. We started with the letter A and will skip around the alphabet until we’ve finished. Recognition and sound will be practiced. The children will tell us what starts with the letter of the week and we will attempt to draw some pictures that start with that letter on our paper. They will be very badly drawn pictures but that’s part of the fun! The children will be able to use the white board throughout the day, writing vertically to help strengthen those hand and finger muscles. We also have a shelf that we will fill up with letters and the tiniest of objects that start with each letter. These can be held and then put back in their position when done. Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners will hopefully, all be able to learn the alphabet better this way.

We learned about the letter A this week

CONFERENCES take place on October 9th & 10th. Each sign-up slot will be 30 minutes and we’ll meet in a small room across from the Duck hallway (there will be a sign). Ms. Carina and Ms. Melissa will be in the classroom with the children, and and I will be meeting with you. I look forward to chatting with you about your children! Here is the link to the sign-up if you still need to sign up:

LOOKING AHEAD…. We will have individual photos taken on October 15 & 16. The photos will be outdoors under the bell tower. We handle it all at school - you don’t have to be present. You will be sent a link to view the photos and to purchase them (optional.) The photographer, David Gellately, will also offer family photos on Saturday, Oct. 19. Debbie sent an email with more details & a link for you to sign up for family photos, but you can also see the sign up here.

OCTOBER 11 - Teacher training, preschool closed for students

Hopefully, you made it through today safely and are ready for some drier weather. I know we are! See you Monday.


Ms. Shelly & Ms. Carina