Welcome to the new year, the second half of our school year. Usually we start back with a few post holiday relapses but then quickly settle back into our routine.
I hope those of you that attend the holiday concert enjoyed it as much as I always do. I did watch the recording, since I couldn't be there, and still got quite emotional. The joy, the pride, that the children give us while performing is the best gift of all. Speaking of gifts, Ms. Melissa and I thank all of you for the cards and treats and generosity you gave us this Christmas.
I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school next week. The second half of the school year comes with a few changes in the green frog classroom. We will start attending Chapel with the other classes. We will also be spending some time on the lower, big kids, playground. This allows us to spread out some and work on our bigger gross motor skills and play in the much beloved sandbox. In the classroom we will continue developing the hand muscles needed for proper pencil/crayon/marker grips needed for writing when our Green Frogs graduate to the Ladybug class. We also expect there to be some social and emotional changes, growth in imagination and enthusiasm, and yes, even some more challenging behaviors. As always if there is anything you want to discuss or make us aware of, let us know so we can find a time to talk or listen.
We will be talking about arctic animals and winter these next few weeks. We will also be spending time outside so please be sure your child is dressed appropriately, and that everything has their name included.
I can't wait to see everyone again and hear all about the adventures had during the break, and we can get started with all that this new year will bring.
Thank you, Ms. Linda and Ms. Melissa