Joy to the World

Despite the rain we had this week, there has been SO much joy in the Ladybug classroom!

Busy placing orders from our bakery

Everyone has been working on cutting skills while giving Santa’s beard a trim or cutting out items for their wishlists. Friends have been practicing patterning with red & white beads to make candy canes to hang on the Christmas tree at home. And they have been working on sequencing and size order as they create trees from triangles and nest the stacking Santas back together, too.

We have finished creating and wrapping some very special gifts for mom & dad. Please make sure to put them under your tree to open Christmas morning (if your child will let you wait that long….I know mine never could wait!! 😉 )!


Polar Express Day on Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 16/17th. Send your child in pajamas (please still have them wear sneakers and jackets, because we will still have playground time). We will be decorating cookies to eat with our hot cocoa for snack and listening to the Polar Express story while we ride the “train”. Thank you all for signing up to contribute items to make this a fun day!

Our Christmas Concert will be on Wed., December 18th at 9:30.

We have been working hard to learn our Christmas program songs and will be practicing in the chapel on Monday & Tuesday. Hopefully that will help everyone feel confident when all the families come to watch! However, if your child gets overwhelmed and ends up in your lap instead of on the stage, please keep them with you during the performance (maybe they will sing along in your lap!). We want this to be a fun, not stressful, time for all. ALL classes are invited to be here. (Drop your children in the classroom at 9:00 and then find a seat in the sanctuary.) This concert is our Christmas gift of love to you. After the concert, we will say goodbye for the holidays. Of course, you may want a family photo in front of our BIG Christmas tree before you go!

Take some time to see Christmas through your child’s eyes this weekend. I know we are all busy with preparations, but children help us remember to stop and see the magic of the season ❤️ 🎄

Have a wonderful weekend!