We celebrated our first birthday this week. Happy Birthday Catherine!!
This week we have been learning about our 5 Senses. We sang a song about what each sense is for and sorted pictures to match the sense that is used. We discovered that some things use more than one sense! We used all 5 senses to see, smell, touch, hear and taste air-popped popcorn at snacktime. We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and used magnifying glasses & binoculars to observe things with our eyes in our science center.
In addition, we have continued sharing “All About Me” and learning how our friends are alike & different from us. We continue to have fun throwing parties in our dramatic play center. This week we added a stroller for our baby dolls to take a ride around the room! We are building fine motor strength by scooping colored rice and filling up presents and cupcakes liners in our birthday theme sensory table. We can count & add candles to the cupcakes, too. We also sang a song about Mat Man and learned the parts of the body. We tried drawing our own self-portraits in our journals. Many didn’t think they could do it, but when they saw my sad little stick figure drawing they had much more confidence in their own abilities! 🤣
There were a couple new activities happening in our class this week, too!!! We had Chapel with Pastor Lee. He told is how we can send our prayers up to God just like a balloon, taught us about lighting the candles to show God is with us and how to catch the light and carry it with us always. We always sing This Little Light of Mine at the end of Chapel.
We also had our first music class with Miss Vicki. Everyone was very engaged and loved singing, dancing and playing the instruments. Miss Vicki read a story about emotions, challenged us to use our gross motor skills to pretend to be the Little Red Wagon, and introduced us to drums, tambourines, sandpaper blocks & rhythm sticks.
Our first conferences are coming in the beginning of October. This is a time for us to connect and discuss how your child is adjusting to being a part of the Ladybug class. I look forward to meeting with you! If the times available don’t work with your schedule, please let me know, and we can try to find another time to meet.
You can use the following links to sign up:
MWF Ladybugs Conference Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4EAAA928A4FB6-51482330-fall
T/Th Ladybugs Conference Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4EAAA928A4FB6-51482357-fall
We will be having a fire drill next week on Monday & Tuesday. Miss Debbie will just use a bell to keep things very calm- no loud alarm to scare us. We will just be practicing how to line up and go to our safe spot outside quickly.
The photographer will be here to take Fall photos on October 15th & 16th. These are individual photos of each child. A class photo will be taken in the Spring.
Enjoy your weekends with your sweet Ladybugs!