Numbers, Dogs and a Soldier!

We have immersed ourselves with numbers this week in many ways. There were been number games using our memory, dice and Zingo. Our scale was out using weighted cupcakes and numbers to try to balance each side. We read Ten Black Dots and the Blue Whales used their own 10 black dots to create art.

The Blue Whales had a special visit from Eden's Dad, Josh. It was so exciting to see a real soldier in his uniform and get to try on some of his equipment. Josh spent some time explaining what he does for the Army and granting the children's wishes of having a sticker to remember this special event. Thank you to Josh and all the men and women we honor on Veterans' Day. We had a wonderful discussion about the American flag, the branches of the armed forces and Veterans Day.  The children made their own version of the flag, and we had a Happy Veterans Day parade through the classrooms, around the building and on the playground as they waved their homemade flags. It was so much fun and pretty cute too! We also touched on the 50 states represented by the stars on the flag and that we live in the state of North Carolina.

We had Guess-n-Tell and Bo did a great job with clues about his item and calling on friends to guess the item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Bo’s item because of his great clues. But Bo surprised them with a stuffed dog and his real dogs were outside waiting to say hello to the Blue Whales.  Everyone enjoyed meeting Hank and Cooper.

Be sure to check out the Blue Whales photo album and see our exciting week in photos.

Each child will have the opportunity to share their family photo with the class over the next few weeks as we talk about families and being thankful. And we will continue all things numbers next week.

The Southern Village community has a lot to offer to extend what we are learning in our classroom.  I will be sending an email to all families today asking for your permission to walk around Southern Village to explore their trails, playgrounds and other opportunities.  Please respond ASAP with a yes or no for permission to walk around the Southern Village neighborhood as a class and the best phone number to reach you. We will keep a list of that information with us whenever we leave the church grounds.

We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.