
What a busy week of school.  It has been a joy building our school family and continuing to get to know each of our Blue Whales.  The Blue Whales are kind caring friends and developing wonderful friendships.  I hear a lot of talk around the snack tables about making plans for playdates and moms calling each other.  Your children are excited about their new friendships too.    

Primary colors, secondary colors and achromatic colors we talked about them all this week.  The Blue Whales had many opportunities throughout the classroom to further their color exploration through playdough, paint and watercolors.  There were lots of opportunities to work on and strengthen their fine motor skills. We introduced paint card samples and talked about hues and shades of color. 

We had our first Music & Movement class with Ms. Vicki on Wednesday.  The Blue Whales sang, danced and played musical instruments. The first Chapel was on Thursday with Pastor Lee.  The children really enjoyed singing a song and listening to a story in the beautiful Sanctuary. 

We will be having our first practice fire drill next week.  We will read our book about what to expect in a fire drill on Monday to prepare for the drill. 

We had Guess-n-Tell and Isobel did a great job with three clues about her item and calling on friends to guess the item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Isobel’s item because of her great clues.

On Monday we will have our first Lunch Bunch.  Please label your child’s snack separate from their lunch.  Please remember to pack a nut and sesame free lunch and snack. Please include any needed untensils, napkin and water bottle. Lunch will be every Monday and Wednesday and pick up time will be 1:00 pm. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we will continue with pick up in the classroom at 12:00 pm. 

Fall Conferences are on Tuesday, October 8th and Wednesday, October 9th.  I sent out an email yesterday with more information and a Sign Up Genius link to sign up for a conference. 

We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.