Feb 20, 2025 post (includes excellent info on assertiveness)

Dear CCP Families,

Please excuse me for being a day late getting this to you! I guess the weather had me out of my normal routine. Thank you for your patience with the closures this week. I hope you could see the bright side of the play experiences offered by the snow.

As I consider all the things going on in our world today, I often have to stop to breathe and pray in order to handle my big emotions. (Thanks to my faith and to my skills of Conscious Discipline!) I am especially grateful for our preschool teachers who spend much time teaching our students peaceful ways to handle conflict and techniques to calm their bodies when they are upset. Self-regulation and an assertive voice are two of the most important things we teach. These skills will help your children to be prepared to manage what life throws at them now and in the future! Read the Conscious Discipline moment at the bottom for more on Assertive Voice.

CONFERENCES - Watch for your teacher’s sign-up genius in a blog post or email, so you can sign up for a convenient time for a conference. Since school is closed for spring conferences, please plan with another parent to watch each other’s children on our playgrounds during conferences.

TUITION - Please remember that your March tuition payment is due March 1 (It’s considered late after March 5, so you have a few days of grace.) Thanks for paying your fees on time.

SUMMER CAMP - Camp applications for Ladybugs, Ducks, and Whales were in your cubbies this week. We have spots for 28-30 campers with 4 teachers. Camp is June 3-6 from 9:00-1:00 and the theme is “ENCHANTED SEA!”. Bring your compoleted application and fee to the preschool office.

PRESCHOOL SUNDAY: Please plan to come to Christ Church on Sunday, March 2 at 8:45. Your children will sing a special song near the beginning of the 9:00 worship service and we will celebrate the CUMC Preschool Ministry. The service lasts about an hour. There is a nursery provided in the 2’s classroom for very young children. I’ll send more details, but for now, please mark your calendar!!

A VERY IMPORTANT CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT (a little long, but well worth the read!) - Here is an important word about the skill of assertiveness, paraphrased from Dr. Becky Bailey.  There are 3 voices that we can use to communicate - passive, aggressive, and assertive.  The goal of passivity is to please others.  Using a passive voice relinquishes your power by leaving decisions to others.  Aggressive communication aims to win by overpowering.  Aggressive people often speak for others and they frequently use the words "always" and "never" as forms of attack.  Assertiveness allows us to express our needs, wants and desires constructively, without devaluing the other person's needs, wants and desires.  Assertiveness teaches others how to treat us.  The goal of assertiveness is clear communication that paints a picture of what we want others to do.  It has a voice tone of "no doubt" and comes from an intention of helping children be successful instead of making them behave.

 How can we give assertive commands successfully?  By using an assertive voice worded as a command.  Commands are about non-negotiable compliance.  (Requests offer a choice.) We don't want to confuse children by wording commands as requests if there is really no choice.  For example, "Keith, would you take out the trash?" actually meant, "Get up now and take the trash to the curb."  There was really no choice, so an assertive command works better, “Keith, take out the trash.” Usually safety issues need to be worded as commands in an assertive voice.  "Hold my hand while we cross the street."  "Put your notebooks away and line up for lunch."  "Walk in the hall just like this." (demonstrate what you want the child to do.)  These are phrased so there is no question, no doubt.

Using an assertive voice as an adult models assertiveness for your child. Assertiveness lets you set your boundaries on what behaviors you consider safe, appropriate and permissible.  It enables you to say "no" to your children, and teaches them how to say "no" to others (a very important skill. ) You may ask me any questions or go to www.consciousdiscipline.com and search assertive voice.

You may find it helpful to save the Conscious Discipline website information for future use. You may discover that in the packed elementary school schedule, they just don’t have as much time to work on the skills of composure, empathy, self-regulation, assertive voice, making choices, etc. These are the areas where preschool teachers really shine! Help your student carry these important life skills into the future by practicing them at home.

Sending well wishes and peaceful thoughts,


Feb. 13 post from Debbie - Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi CCP Families,

Wow, this has been quite an emotional week for me! I feel like I am crying one minute and laughing the next! Thank you so much for your kind words of support. And don’t worry, we will make sure the preschool is in good hands for the future. I am breathing and wishing you well.

Conscious Discipline - “Put your children on your ‘to do list’ and spend time enjoying them! Five minutes of focused play each day reduces power struggles by 50%!” (from Preventing Power Struggles", part of the Presenter’s Series)

Parent Discussion Group - will meet in Ascension Hall at 9:30 on Thursday, 2/20. This is a group that met last fall to discuss the book The Anxious Generation. There was lots of interest to meet again to discuss current topics and just to support each other. Please come! It’s all preschool parents, some from CCP and some from other local preschools. We will have some coffee…bring a friend and join us!

    Supply Fees due - Your 2025-26 supply fees are due by February 14. Of course this pays for supplies throughout the year, but it also serves as your acceptance of the offered spot and holds your place. If your child is in the 2’s and 3’s classes (Frog & Ladybugs), your fee is $225. If your child is in the 4’s classes (Ducks & Whales), your fee is $250. If you’ve forgotten, please make sure the check is here first thing Tuesday morning, 2/18.

Scholarships - For families who may need to apply for a 2025-26 scholarship (based on financial need) please email me directly and I’ll send you the application. The scholarship application has a deadline of Monday, April 7. It requires the completed application, your most recent tax return, and a recent pay stub. It is confidential.

Illnesses - Please be aware that it is still flu season. We have had colds and flu around the preschool. If your child is diagnosed with any contagious illness, please keep them home and please report it to me. We will never use your name, but we do like to give the class a heads up to watch for symptoms. Thank you.

Winter Break - CCP will be closed for winter break on Friday & Monday, Feb. 14 & 17. Teachers have a workday on Monday.

Summer Camp - This year Summer Camp will be Tuesday thru Friday, June 3-6. We have room for 30 Ladybugs, Ducks, & Whales that are completely toilet trained. (Frogs will have to wait until next year.) Look for the camp registration form in your cubbie on Tuesday Feb. 18.

Since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, I want to take a moment to tell you how very much we love and appreciate YOU, our families. We love to partner with you in your child’s preschool education. Thank you for all you do to support us!

     Whoever you believe is in charge of your feelings, you have placed in charge of you.  Putting a 3-year-old in charge of your feelings is pretty scary!  Take back your power with the language of responsibility:  "I'm going to ____" (instead of, "Don't make me _____.")  ~Dr. Becky Bailey  

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your long weekend & I wish you well,




Feb. 6, 2025 post - Supply Fees due and Welcome February

Dear CCP Family,

Welcome February! It has been a super busy week, but wanted to get this note to you with a few reminders.

Class placements went out this week by email. I know a few of you were placed in second choice classes. We will try to move you if there are changes. Thanks for your understanding & patience.

       SUPPLY FEES for 2025-26 are due by Friday, Feb. 14.  This fee secures your spot in the class for next year.  Please pay your fees on time or let us know if your plans have changed.  Thank you!

FAMILY VALENTINE’S DANCE - A favorite event !! Friday, Feb. 7 from 6:00-7:30pm in Ascension Hall. Everyone is invited! People have asked what to wear…whatever you like! Some wear jeans and others wear velvet and sparkles…anything in between is OK! Keep in mind, this is a kid-friendly, family event and we sincerely appreciate our PAC for taking the lead on this.

VALENTINE’S DAY - Please follow your teachers’ instructions about when/how to celebrate in your child’s class.

 WANT TO SERVE ON THE PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE next year? -  We would love to have you join us!  Your service would be sincerely appreciated AND it's a great opportunity to get to know other preschool parents.  If you’re interested, please contact Jennifer Holwell, jennmeeks1@gmail.com, or Ashton Blue, ashton.lewis@richmond.edu. Thanks for your consideration!

Please remember we are closed on Friday, 2/14 and Monday, 2/17 for a long weekend. The teachers will have a workday to prepare for upcoming March conferences.

        In CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE, Dr. Becky Bailey reminds us, "Allowing children to reflect on their choices rather than judging, placing guilt, blaming, or rescuing them gives children access to the internal feedback necessary for them to take responsibility for their actions and make better choices in the future." So not in the heat of the moment, but when things are calm, talk with your child about the choice and what happened. Leave out any judgment or blame. Allow your child to come to a conclusion about the choice. Brainstorm different possible choices that could be used next time.

I wish you well,


Class Placements & Conscious Discipline (Jan. 30, 2025 post)

Dear CCP Families,

Thanks for your help to make our Pancakes and PJ’s Days such a success! Sorry I ended up sick and missing all the fun. I tested positive for Covid Wednesday evening, so I will not be at preschool on Friday either. I don’t think you need to worry about your children being exposed, as I was only briefly in the classrooms on Tuesday and I had no contact with kids on Wednesday.

ALWAYS LEARNING - Preschool is so much fun, yet very educational! As I walked through classrooms on Tuesday, the Blue Whales taught me about “The Boo-boos that Changed the World!” Then the Yellow Ducks taught me about “super absorbent polymers!” Ask your child to teach you as well. And you thought they were just playing! ;-)

SUMMER CAMP - Some of you have asked about summer camp. We plan to have camp June 3-6 for Ladybugs, Ducks, and Whales that would like to come. (Frogs, sorry you will have to wait until next summer.) I will have more information for you approx. mid-February!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE - Many of you have said how much you appreciate the Conscious Discipline tidbits I share with you. I’m so glad! I can honestly say that Conscious Discipline has made a tremendous difference in my life. It began as a way I interacted with children, but it has become much more! I have now internalized the strategies and the language of C. D. I use these skills professionally, but also personally in my life. Remember, “Your approach to discipline demonstrates conflict resolution for your children, and it teaches them how to get their needs met for the rest of their lives.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 7) For more information, please go to www.consciousdiscipline.com and look at the free resources section. It’s never too late to learn!

FEB. TUITION - Please remember that your February tuition is due on Feb. 1, but must be here by Feb. 5 at 9:00am to avoid a late fee. Thanks for paying your tuition on time.

CLASS PLACEMENT - Thank you for turning in your 25-26 applications. We will send an email by Feb. 5 with your class placements. We will do our best to give you your first choices, but in some cases (probably 3’s) we may have to place your child in your second choice. We will try to move them to your first choice class as things shift around. Your 25-26 supply/equipment fees will be due by Feb. 14 ($225 for 2’s & 3’s; $250 for 4’s) Encourage friends and neighbors to hurry and register by tomorrow, January 31!

FAMILY VALENTINE DANCE - Feb. 7 - 6:00-7:30p - You don’t want to miss this FAVORITE event! Put on your dancing shoes and show us your moves! Come for dancing, fellowship, the photo booth, snacks, and FUN!

HOW TO PIVOT - Dr. Becky Bailey tells us, “When you are upset, pivot. Say to yourself, ‘If I’m upset, I’m focusing on what I don’t want. Do I want more of this in my life?’ If the answer is no, breathe deeply. Then tell your child what TO DO and why.” (The “why” should use safety language as much as possible.)  Remember to focus on what you want!

Thanks for all the well wishes you have sent my way and I wish you well, too!


January 23, 2025 (Includes notes about using a picture schedule)

Dear CCP Family,

Thank you for your patience with the weather closures this week. Hope it wasn’t too great an inconvenience and you were able to enjoy the beauty and have some fun with your children. Plans for tomorrow, (Friday 1/24) have been emailed to the Friday classes. (We will be open normal time.)

Thank you for turning in your applications for next school year. The CCP Admissions Committee will meet in early February.  We will email the results asap including details of the next steps to take. Hopefully you read and understood the emailed letter about class placement.  We will do our best to honor as many first choices as possible.

Also, please remind your friends with young children that it is time to register for 2025-26! It happens early so they may not be aware. Hopefully our red and white sign by 15-501 will help awareness. New applications are due by Jan. 31.

Parent Discussion Group - Sorry this was cancelled today. Pastor Lee and I will set another date soon.

Families, please mark your calendars . More details to come…

  • PANCAKES & PJ’S - Wear your pajamas to preschool on Wed, Jan 29 (Ducks, MW Frogs, MWF Ladybugs) or Thurs, Jan 30 (Whales, TTH Frogs, TTH Ladybugs) We will eat at 10:00am in Ascension Hall. Parent representatives will be communicating with you about how you can help. If you are settting up or cooking pancakes, you may start right after drop off. I’ll be around to answer questions.

  • VALENTINE DANCE - February 7 - Please bring the whole family to dance and have fun with us from 6:00-7:30 in Ascension Hall. We will transform Ancension Hall into a party!! There will be snacks, a photo booth, and music for dancing!

Looking ahead with spring dates - more details to come, but make sure to mark the calendar for now:

  • March 12 & 13 - Conferences - School is closed for spring conferences, but feel free to plan with a friend to watch each others’ children on the playground during your conferences.

  • March 25 - CCP Spirit Day/Night at Al’s Burgers!

  • March 26 & 27 - Casual music programs in the fellowship hall. (This is a new event! Shortly after drop-off on this Wed & Thurs, your child will sing a few songs with their class & Ms. Vicki for an audience of parents and special loved ones in Ascension Hall. So, if your child has music on Wed, then they will sing on Wed. If their music class is on Thurs, then they will sing on Thurs) More details to come…

     From Dr. Bailey's Feeling Buddies Curriculum, "Much like adults create written to-do lists and record appointments on a calendar, picture outlines of everyday routines provide predictability and safety for children.  Instead of expecting them to remember, visuals provide developmentally appropriate tools to help them remember."   You may know that each of our classrooms has a picture schedule of their day.  The teachers refer to it during the day to let the children know what comes next and how they are progressing through the school day.  Some classes even have helpful visuals to remind children of toileting and hand-washing routines.  You can post pictures at home for how to clean up toys, the steps to feed the dog, how to brush your teeth, or even how to get dressed in the morning!  You can also put these pictures in a little book that you can "read" anytime you are preparing for an event.  Check out Shubert’s house on the Conscious Discipline website, www.consciousdiscipline.com for ideas!  It’s under “Free resources.”

I wish you well,


CCP - Jan. 16, 2025 Setting Limits and how to be a S.T.A.R.

Hi CCP Family,

    I know you are happy to be in a routine again after the holidays! When families are out of our routines for an extended time, sometimes our “buttons” get pushed. Remember, Dr. Bailey reminds us in Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline (p. 22) that “Children learn self-discipline in 3 stages: 1) They find the limits by experimenting. 2) They retest their findings by repeatedly doing what they were told not to (including teasing/provoking & pushing your buttons) to see if the limit is firm. 3) If the limit proves firm, they internalize it.” So, know that your children are just doing their jobs when they test your limits. I know it’s hard, but keep the limits firm, so you can reach step 3 and the children can internalize the limits.

     Please remember that 2025-26 preschool applications for currently-enrolled families are due by tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 17.  We would love to have sibling applications by then, also. Thanks!  Please remember that we try to honor your first choice, but we may have to hold a drawing in early February if there are more applicants for a particular class than there are spaces.

Soon Jennifer Holwell, current chair of our Preschool Advisory Committee “the PAC” will begin to look for parents who may be interested in serving on the committee for 25-26. Next year’s chair will be Ashton Blue. There will be a few other vacancies on the committee that we need to fill. It’s not a large committment and it gives you a chance to understand how the preschool decisions are madel! Please contact Jennifer, Ashton, or me to express your interest! We will get you connected!

     Blog post reminder:  To respond to your teacher on the emailed blog, you must click the link at the top where it says "To reply to Ms. ____, click here."  Unfortunately, the way it is set up, if you just click "reply," your message actually comes to me.  Of course, I will try to forward your message, but it may not be as timely. Thanks!

     Please remember that preschool is closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. day on Monday, January 20.  

We have planned our annual school-wide Pancakes and PJ’s on Wed & Thurs, Jan 29 & 30. Your class representative will send more details. You are invited to sign up to help. You may either provide items or cook/serve/clean-up pancakes. (Ducks & MW classes will eat on Wed 1/29. Whales and TTH classes will eat on Thurs, 1/30.) Watch for more information from your class parent rep.

Looking ahead - Our annual Valentine Dance will be on Friday, Feb. 7 from 6:00-7:30 pm. Put on your dancing clothes and shoes! The fellowship hall will be transformed into a party! This event is for your whole family. It’s always a favorite!

     As you know, we do a lot of "intentional breathing" at preschool.  Often we call it being a S.T.A.R. (Smile, Take a deep breath And Relax.) Conscious Discipline tells us "Consciously breathing releases toxins from the body, improves the immune system, balances the nervous system, turns off the stress response, facilitates weight loss, helps release unhealthy memories and stifled emotions, and integrates our brain to engage the higher centers for optimal functioning."   (Feeling Buddies Curriculum, p. 70)  So anytime you feel stressed, remember to be a S.T.A.R!  Three slow, deep "belly breaths" can really help calm you and reset your system.  If your child is too upset in the moment to breathe, then you breathe for them.  Even just holding them close to you and breathing deeply can "download" your calm to them and help them move to the higher centers of the brain.  (Just make sure that you are calm and conscious first!) ;-)

I wish you well,


Happy New Year (1/9/25) & the Top 4 Things about the Brain

Dear CCP Family,

        Happy new year!  I hope 2025 brings us all health, kindness, and peace! I also wish you the gift of simplicity in the new year. Keeping things simple reduces stress and increases gratitude.

THANK YOU - Once again, I just want to express my sincere appreciation for the love and kindness you showed me at Christmas and New Year’s this year! Your generous and thoughtful cards and gifts touched my heart. I am grateful for your gifts, but most grateful for each one of you!! Thank you for your part in making our CCP family such a safe, warm and loving community.

        TUITION - Please remember that January tuition is due.  We extended the deadline to today, Thurs, Jan. 9.  Melissa is very generous with that deadline, so please pay on time so she doesn’t have to send reminders. If you slipped up and forgot, you can pop by tomorrow and bring a check. Thank you.

        REGISTRATION - This month is time to register for the 2025-26 school year!  You can find the application on our website and I sent one by email.  Every currently-enrolled child is guaranteed a place for next year, but we can't guarantee that it will be in your first choice class. We will do our best!  Currently enrolled applications are due by Friday, Jan 17 so we can secure a spot for you.  You are my best “advertisers”, so please invite your friends to apply to CCP also!  New families have until Jan. 31 to apply.

LADYBUG REGISTRATION - Ladybugs, when you are in the hallway, I know all you can see is our Whale class for 4’s, which is fabulous. Please remember that we have a fabulous Duck class for 4’s, too. It’s just tucked around the corner near the preschool office. Please feel free to pop by and visit Ms Shelly and Ms Carina and see the Duck space. I want to be sure you know we have two 4-year-old options.

PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE - We have a meeting on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025 at 9:15 in Ascension Hall.

        INCLEMENT WEATHER - Thanks for your patience with the delay on Tuesday. January is a good time to review our inclement weather policy from your parent handbook:

If Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools close due to the weather, then Christ Church Preschool will also close.  If Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools delay their starting time by one or two hours, then Christ Church Preschool will open for students at 10:00 a.mIf CHCCS delay by 3 hours, then CCP will close.  (Note that we follow Chapel Hill schools - not Chatham and not Orange Co) When in doubt, please check your email for an announcement or call the preschool number (919-969-1690) for a recorded message.  The preschool will not make up or refund tuition for days missed due to inclement weather.  (I usually try to have the announcement about closures sent to your email by 7:00am.)

         CLOTHING - Please make sure your child has warm outerwear during the winter months.  The children almost always go outside in the fresh air even on very cold days. Even if your child does not wear a coat in the car, please bring a coat to place in the cubbie for outdoor time. It is helpful to label the loose pieces (hats, gloves, etc) with your child's name.  (The Frog class requests that you send mittens instead of gloves.)  Also, please be sure that your change of clothing in the cubbie is appropriate for the weather.

AN INVITATION TO PARENT DISCUSSION - Check your email for an invitation to our Parent Group on Jan. 23 at 9:30am. It was such a success that we want to gather again!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Finally, here are the top 4 things to know about the brain from Dr. Becky Bailey:

  • The brain is pattern-seeking (Consistent routines are helpful.)

  • The best exercise for the brain is exercise. (Run, jump, & play!)

  • Connections on the outside build neural connections on the inside (Connect with your child through touch, presence, & eye contact in playful situations.)

  • The brain functions optimally when we feel physically and psychologically safe (This is when learning takes place!)

  I wish you well,     



Thank you and Merry Christmas! 12-18-24 post from Ms. Debbie

Dear CCP Families,

Yes, it’s Wednesday night, but I wanted you to have my message before you take off for the holidays!

CONCERT - Thank you for coming to our Christmas Concert! We were delighted to have you here! Thank you, Ms Vicki, and teachers! It was fun to celebrate Jesus’ birth together as a school family. I am so proud of our children. When you’re a preschooler, it’s a BIG deal to stand in front of an audience, let alone remember all the words to the songs! Thank you for your love and support. We are so grateful for you, our families!

THANK YOU - Many of you have honored me with lovely Christmas cards, well wishes, and generous gifts. I want you to know I am humbled and grateful for your expressions of love. THANK YOU!!!! Your generosity is truly amazing! I hope you know how much you and your gifts are appreciated. My heart is full. Christ Church Preschool is like my extended family and I am truly thankful for each one of you!

BACK TO SCHOOL - We look forward to seeing your smiling faces back at preschool on Monday, January 6, 2024.

TUITION - The January tuition deadline has been extended to January 9th. Thanks for paying your fees on time.

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Combining connection and calming is powerful. It activates the attention systems, the motivation systems, and the impulse control systems in the brain. It creates an alert yet relaxed internal state that is ideal for all learning. ~Brain Smart Choices Cubes

As we move into 2025, my wish & prayer is that we can all see the world like children, through eyes of wonder and hope. Don’t worry about creating “perfection” in your family life - too much pressure! Turn off screens & social media - too much competition! Instead, smile & breathe. Keep things simple…..Make s’mores and hot chocolate around your fire pit, build a tent from a blanket and a table, snuggle and read together, or take a magical walk or wagon ride in your neighborhood at night before the Christmas lights are all gone. It’s really these simple, inexpensive things that connect us and create beautiful lasting memories.

This week, I pray that the values from Advent will last all year. I wish you HOPE, LOVE, JOY & PEACE.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year CCP Family!


CCP - Concert, Donation, Christmas Eve - Dec. 12, 2024

Hello CCP Families,

Christmas is in full swing here at preschool! I know the children are having such a good time making all their classroom preparations. Decorations, songs, & surprises…oh my!

PRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Please plan to bring the relatives and join us for our concert on Wed, Dec. 18 at 9:30. ALL classes are invited to be here. (Drop your children in the classroom at 9:00 and then find a seat in the sanctuary.) This concert is our Christmas gift of love to you. After the concert, we will say goodbye for the holidays. Of course, you may want a family photo in front of our BIG Christmas tree before you go!

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION - If you did not have the opportunity to make a donation when we ordered Spirit wear, please know that we will gladly accept your tax-deductible donation at any point in the year. Just make your check to CCP and drop it in the tuition box. Melissa can provide a receipt for you. Thanks for your generosity! It really helps this year when we have two vacancies!

CHRISTMAS EVE - You are invited to Christmas Eve at Christ Church! There are 3 services: 3:00p is the family-friendly service - perfect for families with young children; 5:00p is Carols and Communion on the Village Green - please bring your own lawn chair; 7:00p is Traditional Candlelight service in the sanctuary. Choose the service that you prefer and plan to join us!

JANUARY TUITION -We are giving you a little grace to pay January tuition. Please pay by January 9th to avoid late fees. Thanks so much for paying your fees on time!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Sometimes the holidays become hectic. Please remember to breathe and calm yourself before you speak/act. Let your children see you taking a moment to calm. Even describe what you’re doing, so your children can learn from you! “The most powerful teaching moments are always the result of your ability to model the skills you want your children to demonstrate. For you to model safety, you must be vigilant in self-regulating your emotional states.” (Creating the School Family, p. 83)

This week, along with Hope and Love, I wish you the JOY of Advent!

Breathing & Wishing you well,


CCP - Dec. 5, 2024 News and saying "No"

Dear CCP Families,

There is so much excitement in the building at this time of year! Tinsel & trees & handprints & lights & SO MUCH JOY! It’s magical to see Christmas through a child’s eyes.

PRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Wednesday, Dec. 18 we will have our Preschool Christmas Concert at 9:30 in the Sanctuary. (This is for ALL classes, both MW and TTH) It will only last about half an hour and then we will say good-bye for the holidays. Please park, bring your child to their classroom at 9:00, and have a seat in the Sanctuary. (Since the whole school will be here at once, you may need to park in the municipal lots.) This is our Christmas gift of love to you! I hope you can come!

JANUARY TUITION - We return to school after the Christmas holidays on Monday, Jan. 6. Tuition will be due that day, but not considered late until noon on Jan. 9. Please mark your calendar & make sure your January tuition is here by Jan. 9th to avoid late fees. Thanks for paying your fees on time.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION - If you did not have the opportunity to make a donation when we ordered Spirit wear, please know that we will gladly accept your tax-deductible donation at any point in the year. Just make your check to CCP and drop it in the tuition box. Melissa can provide a receipt for you. Thanks for your generosity!

STAFF CHRISTMAS LUNCH - CCP will treat the staff to lunch for Christmas next week. Educators have BIG hearts and work very hard, and you would probably be shocked to see their small paychecks! Therefore, we love to give them little gifts of appreciation when we can.

REGISTRATION 25-26 - Our “official” registration month is January. Currently enrolled students should register by Jan. 17th. Please encourage your neighbors and friends to apply at CCP, too. Their applications are due Jan. 31. We would love to have them join our preschool family. They are also welcome to email or call for a tour and to learn more about the program. (The updated applications are already on the website if you want to check that task off your list early, too.)

CHURCH CHRISTMAS PAGEANT - YOU are invited! The children of Christ Church will perform a Christmas pageant on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 10:00am in Ascension Hall. Some of your children may be participating, but everyone is invited to come and watch! I think our preschoolers would love to be the audience and watch other children tell the Christmas story.

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Discipline has a great deal to teach children about “no.” If you cave in when children plead, you fail to teach them how to accept or give a meaningful “no.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, P. 21) When you teach children to assertively set limits, you teach respect and encourage personal power. This is such an important lesson, especially as children become teens. We want them to understand that their “no” has power AND we want them to respect the “no” from others. You can model that for them!

This week, along with Advent Hope, I wish you Advent Love,


Thanksgiving & I-messages (Nov. 21, 2024 post)

 Dear CCP Family,

THANKSGIVING is coming and it is my favorite holiday!  I love the feeling of gratitude. I also love preparing dinner for my family and having them around my table. We only have two days of preschool next week - Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 25 & 26. With some of the public schools closed, if your family is planning to be away those days, we understand. Just let your teacher know.

GRATITUDE - As we have prepared for Thanksgiving at preschool, we have have talked turkeys and food, but we have also focused on gratitude.  Gratitude is a mindset and value.  To promote the attitude of gratitude in your home, encouragement is key!  Focus on the positives.  Notice & encourage your child's efforts as he or she practices the pro-social skills of kindness, caring and helpfulness.  

In our preschool family, we are trying to be aware of being helpful to our friends and teachers.  As you plan for Thanksgiving, find little jobs that involve your preschooler and allow them to help with preparations.  They can put the napkins on the table, make place-cards, take turns with a toy, put fruits or vegetables in a basket, clean up toys, count out the forks, etc.  Allowing little ones to help makes them feel important and develops the pro-social skills we all want.  Notice and encourage their acts of kindness and helpfulness.

PRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Please reserve Wed, Dec. 18 at 9:30 for our annual CCP Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary. Each class will sing a song or two and we will tell the Christmas story. It is our gift to you! TTH classes, please come too!! Take your child to their classroom at 9:00 and find a seat in the sanctuary. We will begin at 9:30. Please keep in mind that you may need to park in the municipal lots around Southern Village since the whole school will be assembled.

CHANGE OF CLOTHES - Please be sure you have changed out your child's extra clothing to something that is appropriate for the cooler weather.  Also please make sure all removable clothing is labeled with your child's name. The teachers sincerely appreciate that!

WIPES - Cold/flu season is upon us! If you have an extra canister of Lysol or Clorox wipes or a can of Lysol spray that you could donate, we could sure put those to use. Thanks!

YOU - I want to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for YOU!  Each child, family, and safekeeper in the CCP Family is important and precious.  I LOVE being a partner in your child's education.  Thank you for choosing CCP and for trusting us to play and learn with your little ones.  

SAFEKEEPERS - We have a staff meeting on 12/3 at 12:30. I think lunch will be provided. ;-)

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT: I-MESSAGES - Children will disobey you. It is part of their developmental journey to find and test limits. I-messages can help when frustration sets in. I-messages are skills that originate from owning one’s feelings and claiming one’s power. If you believe children make you angry, you will be unsuccessful. Own your feelings and express them directly with an i-message. Here’s an example: “When your toys are left on the floor, I feel frustrated because I might trip and hurt myself. Pick up your toys and put them on the shelf.” If your child hits you to obtain your attention, say “Ouch! I don’t like when you hit me. If you want my attention, say, ‘Mom, I have something to tell you’ or put your hand gently on my arm. That’s a signal that you need me.” I-messages can help you set boundaries for your child in a calm, yet assertive way. Then, just as importantly, follow boundary-setting with what you want your child TO DO. (paraphrased from Conscious Discipline, p.118-120)

Over the Thanksgiving break we will be apart for a while - preschool is closed Nov. 27-29. As you celebrate with family & friends, I wish you safe travels, good health, and much patience, love, and peace.  

Happy Thanksgiving and I wish you well,




Nov. 14, 2024 Wishing well

Dear CCP Families,

Hard to believe that we are already half way through November! Very soon the holidays will be here. Sometimes I have to take a breath because time goes faster than I would like!

PAC - We meet at 9:15am on Monday 11/18 in Ascension Hall. We will be voting on next year’s budget. Please be sure you have read over it, asked all your questions, and are ready to vote.

WINDOW - Hopefully our broken window will be reaplced on Monday, 11/18. It has been postponed a time or two. We are trying to be patient!

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM - Be sure to mark your calendar for Wed, Dec 18 at 9:30 in the sanctuary! This program of songs will be our Christmas gift to all our families. Please join us even if you usually attend on T/Th.

WISHING WELL - We know the holidays can be a fun, but stressful time of year!  Remember to BREATHE and WISH WELL anytime the world does not go your way.  Here's a good reminder from Easy to LoveDifficult to Discipline (p.210)...."At every moment you have a choice between approaching the world with a spirit of love and learning or one of fear and punishing.  That choice is yours."

         When you make that positive choice, you can quietly share this gift of breath and well wishes to impact your little corner of the world.  Amy Speidel, a Loving Guidance Associate reminds us, "When you see another parent struggling with an out-of control child, along with being thankful it wasn't your turn, wish that parent and child well.  They will find their way.  And trust that the same well wishing will grace you when it is your turn."  (Remember a wish well is not merely a thought, but a positive field of energy and love that you send out with a deep breath and a softened face.)  Be gentle with one another! Sometimes at preschool if a friend is having a hard time, the whole class will pause, breathe, and send that person love. You see, when a little one is upset, she is unable to breathe deeply. So, for that moment, her friends breathe for her. It’s just one more way that we form a loving community of support. And this is why I sign my emails…

I am wishing you well,


A note about peace - Nov. 7, 2024

Dear CCP Families,

We work towards peace everyday at preschool. Our children learn to talk through conflicts and work out solutions. This is one of the most important things we do! "If we are going to have real peace, and win the war against violence, we must start with children. By settling disputes with their peers, children gain an understanding of how to respect the needs of others, while meeting their own needs. They learn that there is often more than one 'right' side to a dispute, that feelings are important, and that there are many possible 'win-win' solutions." (~ Betsy Evans) I have hope for the future because our children are learning these problem-solving skills and can use them to make the world a more peaceful place..

Remember Monday, Nov. 11 is Veteran’s Day and CCP is closed.

Monday, Nov. 18 the CCP Advisory Committee will meet at 9:15am in Ascension Hall (right after drop-off). PAC members, please try to be present, as we will vote on next year’s budget. Please make sure you have read over the proposal and have all your questions answered. (If you must be absent, please email your vote to Jennifer Holwell (chair) and Kristin Waitkus (secretary).

Please mark your December calendar…We will have our Preschool Christmas Concert on the last day of preschool before Christmas. It will be on Wednesday , December 18 at 9:30am in the Sanctuary. We will sing a few songs and tell the Christmas story. TTH classes, please do plan to be here, too! (We try to take turns, a Wednesday one year and a Thursday the next.) We will have our program at 9:30 and then everyone will go home with their families after the program. I will provide more details as we get closer, but for now, please mark your calendar for this special day.

Safekeepers - We will have staff meeting on Tuesday, 11/12 at 12:30. We will have a guest speaker & will finalize our Christmas Concert plan.

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - “Capture your child’s attention before you speak. Move close to her, wait for her to look at you, and say ‘There you are.’ “ (from Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 96) You may have noticed that CCP teachers try to avoid calling across the classroom to a student. It’s much more effective to move close to the child and get his or her attention before you start to talk or give directions.

I am wishing you well,


CCP Welcome November! (Oct. 31, 2024)

Dear CCP Families,

Happy Halloween and Welcome November! Well, most of the kids enjoyed parading around in their Halloween costumes. ;-) It was a bit confusing for the 2’s, because it’s hard to say goodbye to your parent twice in one morning! Thank you for your support with that.

CCP Staff as their favorite book characters.

“BOOK CLUB” - We had a fantastic group of parents gather on Tuesday to discuss some of the issues highlighted in The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt. There was an enthusiastic discussion and lots of support for each other. We were fortunate to have parents from CCP and a few other preschools join us. We hope to gather again in January. I hope you can join us then!

Our first book club!

TUITION - is due on November 1 and considered late after Nov. 5. Thanks for paying your fees on time.

SCHOOL SPIRIT - On Wednesday/Thursday, Nov. 6/7, we will celebrate “SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS” at Christ Church Preschool! You can wear your CCP shirts or wear your class color - YELLOW Ducks, BLUE Whales, RED Ladybugs, GREEN Frogs. WE LOVE CCP!! (A special thanks to Carolyn Ziemer for organizing our shirt sales this year!!) We will have another spirit day in the spring, too. (Of course, you can wear your CCP apparel anytime!)

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #1 - COMPOSURE - Let’s remember that, as adults, it is our job to be sure we are calm and composed before we approach our child to discipline (teach) them. The best way to do this is to take 3 deep belly breaths (we tend to hold our breath when we are stressed) and affirm to yourself, “I am breathing. I am safe. I can handle this.” Then think, “What do I want my child TO DO?’ Then calmly tell your child, in a positive and assertive voice, what you want them to do. Stay focused on what TO DO. This method will avoid all the negatives, like “don’t” & “stop,” and you will find your child is often more cooperative.

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #2 -  Becky Bailey tells us, "Discipline and punishment are two different things.  Discipline, based in love, is consistent and focuses on cooperation.  Discipline sets expectations and helps find solutions to problems.  Punishment is based on fear and focuses on intimidation, threats or bribes."  To learn more, you may visit www.consciousdiscipline.com. Dr. Bailey has a book, written especially for parents, that you can order called, “Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline.”

I wish you well,


Oct. 24, 2024 Misbehavior OR Missing Skill?

Hello CCP Families,

We loved seeing the big blue Chapel Hill fire truck on Tuesday! The fire fighters asked me to make sure you have a meeting place for your family in case the unthinkable happens and you would have to leave your house due to fire. It could be a tree, the mailbox, or a neighbor’s porch. Please talk about your plan with the whole family and check the batteries in your smoke detectors. If your house has gas, please also have a carbon monoxide detector. Teach your children to go to the family meeting place to find you if there is a fire, and go TO the fire fighters if they are looking for you - they are kind and they are helpers. Use this language to make the fire fighters more approachable. This is fire fighter Brooklynn showing how she would look if she came to help your family:

Fire Fighter Brooklynn is a helper!  Her oxygen tank makes a little air noise.  It is giving her fresh air to breathe.

Next week has so many great opportunities for you! Hope you can join us for:

  • TRUNK OR TREAT - Sunday, Oct. 27 at 4:00 in the church office parking lot. Come in costume for games, candy, and fun!

  • PARENT’S BOOK DISCUSSION - Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 9:30 in Ascension Hall. Please feel free to invite other parents even if they don’t attend CCP. Pastor Lee will give us a summary of The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt and then we can discuss together what we face as parents. You can come in your comfy clothes & bring your babies, strollers, etc. We will have some toys available for the kids and some coffee for the adults! I’m very excited about this opportunity!!

  • HALLOWEEN PARADES - Read your teachers’ blogs for details. The 2’s and 3’s usually parade in the building and the 4’s parade (with lots of parents) on Market street just to wave at everyone and show our costumes. A note on costumes: nothing too scary and no weapons, please.

  • SPIRIT DAYS - Wed/Thurs, Nov. 6 & 7 - Wear your CCP shirt or you class color - green frogs, red ladybugs, blue whales, yellow ducks.

Please remember we currently have room for another 3 year old and another 4 year old at CCP! Please send your friends our way.

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT: “Missing or emerging executive skills are at the root of what we call ‘discipline problems.’ Historically, children have been punished for not having these skills at certain ages. When there is conflict, we can choose to see a misbehaving child OR we can choose to see a child who needs help to learn a skill.”

At CCP, we try to see a child who needs to learn a skill. For example, if a child grabs the red crayon from another child. We use the phrase, “YOU WANTED____” Here’s how it may sound….You wanted the red crayon. You may not grab. Hold out your hand and say, “May I use the red crayon when you’re finished?” Or for a younger child….You wanted the red crayon. You may not grab. Hold out your hand and say, “Red crayon, please.”

This Saturday my neice is getting married outside. Sounds like it will be a beautiful day with lots of family fun!

Hope you have a lovely weekend, too! I wish you well.


CCP - Oct. 17, 2024 Noticing vs. Judging

Dear CCP Families,

Oh, how I wish you could peek into the classrooms during the day! The children are engaged in so many forms of play (and learning so many things!) Be sure to click into the website and view the pictures from your class. I am continually grateful for our creative, energetic, and loving teachers who plan all these exciting activities for your little ones.

CARDS FOR A CAUSE - Tomorrow is the last day to order! Thanks for your support!

FIRE TRUCK - The Chapel Hill Fire Dept will bring their truck for a visit on Tuesday, Oct. 22! ( If you are in a MW class, please feel free to join us at 9:30 in Ascension Hall.) Usually the fire fighters show us how they look & sound when wearing all their gear. Then they take us, class by class, to look at the truck!

FAMILY PHOTOS - Please remember you have an opportunity for a family portrait this Saturday, Oct. 19. There is no sitting fee and the pictures will be taken outdoors. I sent you a link by email to view the individual pictures taken on Tues & Wed. You have the opportunity to purchase them if you’d like.

PAC, we have a meeting in Ascension Hall at 9:15am on Monday, Oct. 21. NOTE: This is a morning meeting. Your presence is important since we will be presenting the proposed budget for 2025-26.

Looking ahead….CHRIST CHURCH will have BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS under the bell tower at 4:00 on Sunday Oct. 20. Then TRUNK OR TREAT will take place at the church office parking lot on Sunday, Oct 27 beginning at 4:00. Bring your little ones by to enjoy a treat!

Please note that I usually include some information about CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE in my weekly Thursday evening blog post. We are working to build positive relationships and assertive voices in a confident, caring community of learners that we call the school family. Please take time to read the Conscious Discipline moment each week. It will give you insight to some of the things we are teaching here at CCP. And they are also skills/techniques you can use at home!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Let's look at the difference between noticing and judging.  "Noticing continually activates children's prefrontal lobes and strengthens their executive skills of sustained attention, empathy, and problem-solving.  However, it requires adults to consciously change our habits and rewire our brains to notice instead of judge." (Conscious Discipline, p. 128)

       Judging actions as “satisfactory” creates children who are always looking for approval from the outside.  Noticing creates self-awareness and healthy attention, an important executive skill.  Noticing is descriptive and directs and sustains the child's attention like shining a flashlight on something.  Adults essentially "hold their flashlights" on the desired goals until children can hold and aim them on their own.  The difference is subtle at first.  However words are powerful and "noticing language" is more specific and gives the child more information to help to focus the child's attention on the positive.  Especially today, when the media tends to focus its attention on violence, aggression, sex, and appearances, our noticing supports children's attention by helping them aim their flashlights on the desired positive goals.

       Here are some examples....Instead of saying, "Miley, I like the way you raised your hand," try saying, "Miley you raised your hand like this (demonstrate) so I knew you needed help."  Instead of saying, "Good job Emma!" try "Emma, you worked hard on question 2 until you figured it out. That took persistence!"  Instead of "Tom, you are a good helper," try "Tom you got paper towels and cleaned the water off the floor so everyone would be safe from slipping."  Instead of "Thank you for pushing in your chair," try "Frank, you pushed in your chair so our dining room is safe."  And a final example, instead of "Good job with the napkin," try "You folded the napkin and set it next to your plate.  Now you're ready for snack!" It takes a little more effort, but if you consistently notice, it will create self awareness, which is an important executive skill.

       I wish you well as you try aiming your adult flashlight on the positive by using noticing language with your child! 

I wish you well,


CCP Reminders, Cards for a Cause, & A NEW Question! (10/10/24 post)

Hello CCP Family!

        October is full of preschool fun! The month is going by so quickly. Thanks for taking time to talk with your child’s teacher at conferences and read her communications. A home-preschool partnership is the best way to support your child’s education.

COATS & CLOTHES - As the weather changes, remember to update your child’s change of clothes for the fall/winter. Also, we DO go outside everyday, so as jacket-weather approaches, please put your child’s name in the jacket and hat. Thank you!

HALLOWEEN - Just for fun, our Duck and Whale classes will parade in costume on the Market St sidewalks on Oct. 31. Parents are invited to walk with us if you’re able. Teachers will give you details.

Our Ladybugs and Frogs will parade in costume indoors around Ascension Hall on Oct. 30 and Oct 31. Parents are invited to stay a few minutes after drop-off to watch if you’re able. Teachers will give you details.

PRESCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY 10/11 - Teachers will be attending a professional development event with teachers from other Chapel Hill preschools.

CARDS FOR A CAUSE - MONDAY - FRIDAY, OCT 14-18 - Only ONE week to order. Click on the QR code at your child’s classroom door or visit www.greetingcardfundraiser.com/orderform next week only! Thirty greeting cards for $30! It’s a super value!! Thanks for supporting our CCP fundraiser!

PHOTOS - Just a reminder that we will take individual photos of each child during the school day on Oct. 15 (Whales, TTH Frogs, TTH Ladybugs) and Oct. 16 (Ducks, MW Frogs, MWF Ladybugs) You are also invited to have a family photo taken on Saturday, Oct. 19.

         A NEW IMPORTANT QUESTION - Finally, I want to suggest that we ASK A NEW QUESTION!  Dr. Becky Bailey tells us that when we ask the questions, "How can I get this child to _____?" or "How can I make this child ______?" then our brains begin to come up with every feared, forced, coercive, or manipulative strategy we have ever learned.  If we ask a new question, we will get new answers.  By asking ourselves, "How can I help this child more successfully _______?" then we ask our brains to come up with a different set of answers.  These new answers will be more creative, will ask us to reflect on the child's needs, and will result in developmentally-appropriate discipline strategies. (p. 200, Conscious Discipline) Give this new question a try!

Have a good weekend and I wish you well,



Welcome Fall! - Oct 3, 2024 post

Dear CCP Families,

Happy October! We continue to work with our students to form a caring, connected school family. We take deep breaths when we are upset. If a friend gets hurt or becomes upset, we are learning that it really helps for us to breathe slowly and deeply for our friend! When a friend is upset, sometimes he can’t breathe deeply. We breathe for him and wish well, sending our love and positivity to our friend while giving him space. This gesture shows care AND it gives all of us a purpose instead of just worrying about our classmate.

Ducks, & MWF Ladybugs, thank you for understanding our closure this past Friday during the hurricane. I hope everyone got the message, but if you didn’t please let me know, so I can update our email list.

On Tuesday & Wednesday, Oct. 8 & 9, the Ladybug, Whale, and Duck teachers will hold conferences. (Frogs will get written communication now and have conferences later in the year.) On conference days, your children will be cared for in the classroom by the assistant teacher and a substitute. At your conference time, you will find Ms Sue in the Disciple room off of Ascension Hall. (Your key fobs may not work during the day, so just ring the bell to the far right of the front or back door.) You will find Ms Shelly in the Vestry across the hall from the Duck door. You will find Ms Missy in the Music room right by the double doors to the preschool hallway. We will have signs up to help you.

We had a timed fire drill on Tuesday. All children and teachers were safely out of the building in 1 minute and 28 seconds. Everyone was well-prepared (thanks safekeepers) and no one was upset by our practice. We will practice again soon in hopes of reducing our time to 1 minute.

Parents, please join us for a casual discussion of Jonathan Haidt’s New York Times Bestseller, The Anxious Generation on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 9:30 in the fellowship hall. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the book… you can still participate and enjoy this gathering.

Most of you have noticed our broken window in the Ladybug room. (We think it was a rock accidently thrown by the lawnmower.) A new window pane is on order and will be put in place in early November.

Individual photo days are coming up on Oct. 15 & 16. Remember that our photographer, David Gellatly, will be here on Saturday, Oct. 19 to take family photos. There is no sitting fee and these family portraits would make great Christmas gifts. The photos will be outside in the church yard. Click here to sign up for a convenient time slot.

It’s the time of year to get your flu and or covid vaccine. I like to get mine in early October, so it will last throughout the season. Let’s help protect ourselves and our school family!

Remember those extra clothes we keep at school? As the weather gets cooler, please change your child’s extra set of clothes to something appropriate to fall/winter. Also, please label coats/hats/gloves with a name. That really helps! (When it’s really cold, Frog class prefers mittens over gloves! Can you imagine putting 100 little 2-yr-old fingers into gloves?? Yikes!) Thanks!

On Friday, Oct. 11, CCP will be closed for Professional Development for our safekeepers. We will have speakers and share time with all the local half-day preschool programs in Chapel Hill. Thanks for your support as we take time to learn and grow together.

If a child signals sadness, anger or embarrassment, an attuned adult can pick up on this communication and coach the child through her discomfort to an integrated state. The child will learn emotions are a bridge between problem and solution, reducing the likelihood of a reactive or impulsive response.” (Managing Emotional Mayhem p.41) You may want to try, “You seem sad. Would you like to tell me about it?”

Please continue to pray for all those affected by the hurricane. I sent an email earlier this week with ways that you can help should you choose to.

We wish you well!


Here Comes October! (9/26/24 post) Two positive choices

Hello CCP Family,

      We are settling into our preschool routines!  The children are becoming comfortable and confident with their friends and teachers.  Everyone appears to know they are safe and loved here at CCP.  We are surely on the way to becoming a school family, a process that can take about 4 to 6 weeks.

Thanks for joining Melissa and me for coffee & cider yesterday and today. It’s fun to see you all visiting and getting to know each other.

Please remember to link your Harris Teeter VIC card to our school number 3558. You can do this on the website or at the store. It only takes a brief minute and it supports the preschool without affecting your wallet!

We welcome parents to substitute when a teacher is absent. You can earn a small check or you can “donate” your time to CCP. This helps us in the classroom and on our budget for the year! Just contact Debbie with your phone number to be added to the sub list. We will not leave you alone in a class - You will always work with another teacher.

Please remember your October tuition is due on Oct. 1. Please send or bring your payment early next week.

We practiced our mini fire drill with the MW classes, but the whole school fire drill ws scheduled for Tuesday (during the deluge) so we postponed it until next week.

Safekeepers (teachers) - We have a staff meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 12:30.

Fall photos are scheduled with photographer David Gellatly outside under the bell tower. Please mark your calendar now. Here’s the schedule:

  • Tues, Oct. 15 - Whales, TTH Ladybugs, TTH Frogs

  • Wed, Oct. 16 - Ducks, MWF Ladybugs, MW Frogs

  • Sat, Oct. 19 - Optional Family Photos. Click here to sign up.

A Conscious Discipline moment - TWO POSITIVE CHOICES - “Giving two positive choice allows your child to comply with your wishes while also giving him the “last word.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 101) Think what you want your child TO DO and then give 2 choices that can get that result. For example, you want your child to eat a green vegetable at dinner. You could say, “You may choose broccoli or green beans. Which sounds better to you?” Your child gets a vegetable AND feels empowered at the same time!

I hope you have a fabulous, safe weekend and I wish you well,








Building preschool relationships - Sept 19 post

 Hello CCP Families,

"Discipline is like the 'slow-slow, quick-quick' of a country western two-step.  The 'slow-slow' is building the relationship.  It does not happen overnight but slowly over time.  The 'quick-quick' is the specific skill set we need to handle the upset and conflicts that arise within the relationship."  ~from Dr. Becky Bailey’s Baby Doll Circle Time, p. 32

We have been in preschool almost 3 weeks now building our relationships (the slow-slow part of the two-step.) Each class is continuing to become a school family that truly cares for one another. (For more info on school families, you can see my orientation slides or go to www.consciousdiscipline.com ) It is a joy to observe your children at play with their preschool friends! And when a friend is absent, the children so earnestly “put the friend in the heart” and send them love and well wishes. It’s a beautiful, caring gesture of connection. We are thankful that you have chosen CCP to be your preschool home. So glad you’re part of the family!


One more chance to order SPIRIT WEAR! The deadline has been extended until Sunday, Sept 22 You may also make a tax-deductible donation on the website using your credit/debit card. This donation IS our fundraiser for this year. We generally recommend $75 per family if you are able. Thank you kindly for your generosity. Also this fall, after everyone’s shirts have arrived, we will have a Spirit Day at preschool!

You are invited to a Preschool Family Coffee on Wed or Thurs, Sept 25 & 26 right after drop-off. Parents, grandparents, nannies….Just come to Ascension Hall and have a cup of coffee or cider and chat with other families and me. You can ask questions and get to know some new friends!

Looking ahead…. We will have individual photos taken on October 15 & 16 . The photos will be outdoors under the bell tower. We handle it all at school - you don’t have to be present. You will be sent a link to view the photos and to purchase them (optional.) The photographer, David Gellately, will also offer family photos on Saturday, Oct 19. I sent an email with more details & a link for you to sign up for family photos, but you can also see the sign up here.

Pastor Lee led Chapel this week (Wed & Thurs) for the Ladybugs, Duck and Whales. (Frogs will join Chapel in Januray.) Pastor Lee talked about prayer going up to God like a balloon. We prayed together and sang and had fun.

Ms. Vicki led us in our first Music and Movement classes this week (also Wed & Thurs.) She began with talking about friendship and then they did a partner dance with a friend! The children danced and sang and played musical instruments. There were lots of smiles!

Duck and Whale friends will enjoy their first lunch bunch next week on Monday and Wednesday, 9/23 & 9/25. We will use the same guidelines for lunch that we do for snack. (Please remember we are a NUT-FREE & SESAME-FREE school.) We will either eat outside, in the classroom, or in the fellowship hall. Ms Shelly and Ms Missy will send you details. Lunch day pick-up is 1:00 Be aware that your child may be super tired on the longer lunch days!

We will practice a fire drill next week. It’s a very lowkey event and usually the children handle it very well. Here’s a story from a few years ago that will illustrate……After our fire drill, one little 4 year old said, “You know that fire thing wasn’t so bad. I was just a little scared.” His friend looked at him and said, “But now you know how to stay safe if there was a real fire!” :-) I couldn’t have said it better myself! You know you’ve done your job when the children can teach each other! Don’t worry parents, your kids have got this!

All my post won’t be this long! It’s just the start of the year and there’s so much info to share with you. If you read this far, thank you!

I wish you well,
